Our Curriculum

What we learn becomes a part of who we are

Our core curriculum comprises a planned programme covering six learning areas aimed at a holistic development of each child in his/her physical, social, affective, cognitive and creativity domains.

Aesthetics and
Creative Expression

Our Art and Craft provides children with opportunities to develop and display their creative talents and motor skills.

In Music and Movement children dramatize, mime and role-play, move and dance to music as well as sing along, interact and develop poise and confidence..

of the World

Through fieldtrips and experiments children explore the world outside their classrooms, engaging their senses through a sense of wonder, asking questions, investigating and discovering how things happen and work. They engage in hands-on activities that reinforce their classroom learning.

Motor Skills

Indoor and outdoor play develops children’s motor skills, physical fitness, and sense of balance and co-ordination. It promotes understanding of their body and its functions, and enhances their spatial awareness.

Language and Literacy

Children engage in a range of activities such as rhymes, songs, stories, poems, with a variety of literacy materials like information books, various media, to develop their communication skills, both written and oral and to help them learn letter sounds and acquire blending and word segmenting skills.

Numeracy Skills
and Concepts

Children’s logical thinking is developed through mastering basic mathematical concepts via the use of manipulatives, pictures and symbols.

Social and Emotional

Curriculum for Character Development
Encourages children to be internally motivated to be "good". Each term, children learn two character values.

Devotion Time
Stories and songs imparting Christian and moral values help children develop character and the right attitude to life.

Snack Time
A time for social interaction and learning of basic meal etiquette.

Extended Programme

In addition to the 4-hour core curriculum, we offer a 2-hour extended programme to enhance children's learning and development using different methodologies.

Nursery and Kindergarten 1

Kindergarten 2

Enrichment Classes

(Established in 2001)

An Art enrichment programme specifically designed to nurture children’s creativity through Art.

A theme-based programme covering eight lessons per term. Each theme focuses on three projects, exploring art history, different art genres, cultural art and craft techniques.

Why Learn Art?

Studies show that art education helps to promote creative thinking, imagination, problem-solving skills, motor skills and openness to new ideas in children.

ARTec Robotics and Coding STEM Programme

Creating new learning experiences to spark wonder and curiosity in children

Innokid Creative Thinking & STEM Integrated Programme

Innokid is an integrated programme that enriches children through two key aspects:

1. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) knowledge bandwidth. It applies unique Interdisciplinary teaching pedagogy to introduce children to a wide scope (15 areas) of knowledge.

2. Brain Development – 10 essential creative thinking skills will be instilled in students throughout the process of the learning and application of knowledge.

Chinese Speech & Drama
By Absolute Mandarin

Absolute Mandarin Chinese Speech and Drama programme aims to provide a fun-loving environment to learn the language. We help children develop a love for the language and use drama techniques to express confidently in mandarin.