About Us

Established in January 1996, Pentecost Methodist Church Kindergarten (PMCK) is affiliated to Pentecost Methodist Church (PMC) and registered with the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA).
We have a team of well qualified preschool educators. As a centre that prioritizes the welfare of the children, we provide a conducive learning environment for the children with up-to-date teaching and learning resources. Children are given healthy meals prepared in-house. The centre has been accorded the Healthy Pre-school accreditation by the Health Promotion Board every year since 2019.
PMCK has well established programmes and processes and has attained the Singapore Pre-school Accreditation Quality mark by ECDA since 2016. PMCK’s integrated early childhood education curriculum caters to children from 18 months to 6 years old, from Playgroup through to Nursery and Kindergarten levels.

Our Vision
Joyful learners, growing and glowing for God.

Our Mission
In PMCK, we nurture children to be confident persons imbued with sound biblical values and a love for learning.

Our Core Values

Our Philosophy
Train up a child in a way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Hear what parents say…
“Our 3 children have passed through the halls of PMCK over the past 5 years. Each child, integrated well, made friends and enjoyed their time with PMCK…PMCK provides a holistic learning environment yielding a balance between the foundational development of social skills and academic progress through a structured curriculum. We are very glad we made the decision to enrol our children in PMCK and equally thankful that PMCK has imparted good character values to our children and provided them with a nurturing environment in their early years. They have been blessed with teachers that are kind but mostly importantly, caring.“
Wuthrich family, 2021
“I have 4 children I have entrusted to PMCK’s care successively since 2011… PMCK is a progressive preschool that introduces new or refines its curriculum relentlessly. The interests of children stand at its core as holistic development is pursued to not only unleash the potential of children but also ground them in sound values. The rich and empowering experience my children have had in PMCK provided them with the courage and confidence to explore, the skill sets to question and think and a healthy mindset to collaborate with others to process challenges and solve issues.”
Ms Ivy Soh, 2022
".. when it came to selecting a kindergarten for our daughter three years ago, we had looked high and low to find the best fit for our shy, sensitive girl... It was providence that led us to PMCK. A neighbour recommended your school to us. From the very first day, we were moved by the teachers' unadulterated concern for the little ones... Our shy little girl is no longer scared of talking to strangers these days. In fact, she usually is the one to initiate conversations….we credit the school's infallible guidance when it comes to moral and social skills. While academic progress wasn't exactly our priority, we must admit that we are pleasantly surprised to see her fully equipped to handle Primary One. We sincerely cannot recommend PMCK highly enough."
Mrs. Sankhya Samhita, 2019 & 2023